NortonLifeLock Export Compliance


NortonLifeLock is committed to fully comply with the United States and all applicable export and import laws and regulations governing the export, re-export, import and in-country transfers of NortonLifeLock products, software, services, support and technology. NortonLifeLock's Global Trade Compliance organization is responsible for providing guidance and support of NortonLifeLock's global export and import compliance obligations.

For information on the Export Control Classification Number (ECCN), Licensing Authority, and related information for NortonLifeLock products, see the Product Classification Matrix.

Are NortonLifeLock products subject to US Export Controls?

Yes, all NortonLifeLock products are subject to US export and re-export controls. More specifically, NortonLifeLock products, including software, hardware, services, support and technology are subject to export and import controls administered by the United States (including, but not limited to, the U.S. Department of Commerce Export Administration Regulations ("EAR")), the member states of the European Union, Singapore, and other applicable jurisdictions.

How do I find ECCNs for NortonLifeLock products?

For ECCNs, consult NortonLifeLock's Global Trade Compliance classification matrix.

How do I find HTS numbers for NortonLifeLock products?

For HTS numbers, consult NortonLifeLock 's Global Trade Compliance classification matrix.

Who do I contact at NortonLifeLock for export or import issues?

The Global Trade Compliance (GTC) organization at NortonLifeLock is responsible for managing import and export compliance. Contact us as follows: