David Silva

David Silva

David Silva

David Silva joined the team in 2012 as part of the European Commission FP7 ACCEPT collaborative research project. He obtained a graduation in computer science from the Polytechnic Institute of Portalegre (Portugal) and a post-graduation from the University of Coimbra (Portugal).

His main research interests include human-computer interaction, data visualization and information architecture. David has been working in multiple projects across the security space, focusing mostly on how security information should be interpreted, visualized and better experienced.

Selected Academic Papers

Hierarchical Incident Clustering for Security Operation Centers

In Proceedings of the Interactive Data Exploration and Analytics Workshop (IDEA 2018)
We enable security incident responders to dispatch multiple similar security incidents at once through an intuitive user interface. The heart of our algorithm is a visualized hierarchical clustering technique that enables responders to identify the appropriate level of cluster granularity at which to dispatch multiple incidents.

Who Knows I Like Jelly Beans? An Investigation Into Search Privacy

In Proceedings of the 22nd Privacy Enhancing Technologies Symposium (PETS 2022)